Gemstones are something very rare and precious. However, their mining and finishing can also be a delicate subject, as they are not without their problems. That is why Reto Theilkäs takes every possible care. Fair working conditions in his gems’ countries of origin are absolutely crucial. Personal commitment is the only way to ensure that these are adhered to. That is why he is involved from the very beginning.

Reto Theilkäs accompanies the stones on their journey, returning time and again to countries such as Brazil or even, occasionally, Pakistan. Contact with the local people is fundamental to him, as the only way in which to build a relationship of trust. Reto Theilkäs knows who he is dealing with, and is familiar with their culture and their mentality.

Discovering a gemstone – making a find – is a unique experience. It is not every day that you hold an uncut stone in your hand. Creating a gemstone from that uncut stone is a priceless pleasure.

Here on our website you will find an unmatched world of history and colour, bathed in a captivating glow.

Appearances can be deceptive. Many stones do not reveal their true nature until they are cut and polished. The work of the gemstone dealer demands patience and feeling – knowledge that can be acquired only through a great deal of experience, combined with an instinctive empathy for the stone. With his local knowledge, Reto Theilkäs knows which mines are currently producing quality – a priceless good.

To cut and polish a stone to perfection, you have to be aware of its possibilities. Reto Theilkäs’s range is exclusive and exquisite. That is the only way that he can guarantee the quality that his clients expect. To him, anything mass-produced is immediately suspect.